
Posts Tagged ‘family of choice’

I’m on vacation this week.  Vacation this year means staying at home, and those of you who know me KNOW that I don’t stay home.  Loving travel almost as much as I love my 108 year old home, Ron and I hit the road at every available opportunity to visit family, family-of-choice, and places we’ve never been!  We LOVE to travel!

This year, with less money, the price of gas at all-time highs, and the heat of summer upon us, we are staying still and, for maybe the first time ever(!), I took a week of vacation to just be at home!  WOW!!

We are lucky that our family-of-choice from Miami came to us.  Bill, Ruth, John & Marion are here since Saturday and will leave on Thursday to continue their family vacation — on the road to Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, and Wisconsin before turning south again to head for Miami in time for Ruthie to report for teaching duty in Miami.  We are so lucky to have people come to us here, to enjoy our home and hearth and stove and Hattiesburg family with us here.

Today: long leisurely breakfast and pots of coffee and chat leading to haircut, vet, and grocery store.  In home before the thunderstorms that rattled the windows in our old beauty of a house.  Gumbo now on the stove for tonight…..it’s a really good life.  Come see us.

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